A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

"I will tell you what I will do and what I will not do. I will not serve that in which I no longer believe whether it call itself my home, my fatherland or my church: and I will try to express myself in some mode of life or art as freely as I can and as wholly as I can, using for my defense the only arms I allow myself to use, silence, exile, and cunning."
-Stephen Dedalus, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Friday, January 8, 2010

The History of the White Wedding Dress

     So, I thought that this article was cool, so please read and let me know what you think. It's from http://www.georgiaantiques.com/. Also, I watched the classic movie from the 1940's, "Casablanca", and it was great! I totally recommend it! I thought it would be boring because it was black and white, but it totally made the movie better because it retained the feel of that time period. Anyway, thanks for checking out my blog today! :)

The History of the White Wedding Dress

Author: Kelsey McInture - From Times Past

This article is used with permission

     White has long been accepted as the traditional color of the wedding dress, but wedding gowns were not always white. The marriage of Queen Victoria to her cousin Albert of Saxe- Coburg in 1840 has had more influence on weddings than any other. Queen Victoria put the wheels in motion by marrying in white. Though brides continued to wed in gowns of different colors, white was now set as the color of choice for weddings and has continued ever since. In Godey’s Lady’s Book, 1849, this statement was printed: “ Custom has decided, from the earliest ages, that white is the most fitting hue, whatever may be the material. It is an emblem of the purity and innocence of girlhood, and the unsullied heart she now yields to the chosen one.”
     There is an old poem about how the color of your wedding dress will influence your future: “Married in white, you will have chosen all right. Married in grey , you will go far away. Married in black, you will wish yourself back. Married in red, you’ll wish yourself dead. Married in blue, you will always be true. Married in pearl, you’ll live in a whirl. Married in green, ashamed to be seen, Married in yellow, ashamed of the fellow. Married in brown, you’ll live out of town. Married in pink, your spirits will sink.”
     The Industrial Revolution also brought about change. By the 1890’s and the arrival of the department store, almost every woman could realize her dream of being married in a “new” wedding dress. The white dress was gaining popularity and in 1890, Ladies Home Journal wrote: “That from times immemorial the bride’s gown has been white”. Although this statement was not true, it shows how deeply accepted it was that a wedding gown be white. Although white was popular, some brides, especially the frontier brides, wore dresses that were more practical and could be worn after the wedding. As wedding dresses closely resembled the fashions of the time, only a little alteration was needed for the dress to be perfect to wear again.
     Edwardian brides took the traditions of their Victorian ancestors to new extremes. Fashions became more extravagant as the decade progressed, but came to a screeching halt with the outbreak of WWI. Styles became simpler, and also reflected the changing role of women in society with hems getting shorter and the disposing of tightly laced corsets. Coco Chanel was a powerful force behind the change in women's’ fashions, and was the one who officially introduced the short wedding dress in the 1920’s. It was a white knee length dress worn with a long train. This cemented white as the universal color of the wedding dress.
     When the Depression hit, brides made do with their “best” dress for the wedding. My great grandmother, who was married in 1928 had a new white wedding dress, but after the wedding she dyed it navy, keeping only the collar and cuffs white—a common practice at that time. During WWII, women considered it their duty to give up the traditional wedding , although most brides might be engaged only for a few weeks or even days before the wedding took place. This did not leave enough time to find a wedding dress so the best suit had to do. If the bride was set on having a white dress, one could be borrowed or rented for the ceremony. If both the bride and groom were in the military they were married in their respective uniforms.
     After the war, prosperity made it possible for the large dream weddings inspired by the Victorian era to become a reality. Grace Kelly’s marriage to Prince Monaco garnered much publicity because of its grand fairy tale wedding. She wore a white silk and lace gown. The focus of wedding dresses has shifted since the 1950”s. The emphasis now is on the individuality of the bride. So whatever color you choose to be married in, you now know a bit more behind the tradition of the white wedding dress.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Rosa Back From Beyond the Grave?

    Alright. Can anyone tell me when Rosa Tarbutton came back from the grave? We had a random lady (Let's just call her Jane Doe for now) come in today and demand that a certain catalog be put into our library because Rosa wanted it in there. First of all, our library is a MEMORIAL of Rosa Tarbutton. We kindly asked her if she wanted to speak to Nancy Tarbutton, who is indeed still very alive. After what seemed like a long speech from Jane (the lady), she said that she did NOT want to talk to Nancy, nor was this catalog approved by Nancy, but that somehow Rosa (pointing upward, either pulling a John Travolta, or proposing that Rosa had somehow spoken to her from out of Heaven) had told her that she wanted that catalog in the library.
    So, what do you do in a situation like this? I tried to be as polite as possible, as well as the other ladies, who were all trying to (again, very politely) tell the lady that Judy was now the head librarian on duty. We asked Jane if she wanted to speak to Judy, to which she stated, very abruptly, that she did NOT want to speak to Judy. Then one of the ladies took the catalog and told Jane thank you (again, trying to be patient) and that she would ask Judy about it.
    After all that jazz, you would think the woman would finally leave, satisfied that we had taken her ordering catalog and promised to check into it. But no...that was not enough. She shouted out, as the other patrons in the library watched, that we were going to purposely lose this catalog, and that we had no interest in Rosa's wishes. (Again, with Rosa back from the grave. Huh?)
  Well, finally Jane looked one of the ladies in the face and told the truth. Jane said, "I'll tell you the truth. I'm arm-twisting you. I just want this fine literature in this library because I don't want to buy it myself. I don't know who funds this library, but...who funds this library?"
  After this crazy admittance of trying to manipulate us into putting her catalog in the library, she asks this question, to which we reply that we do not know. We have various donors.
  Then she proposes something that she shouldn't have dared to say, after putting us all through this nerve-racking conversation. "Well, if this library can't afford to order this literature, then the managers can." Yeah, like library managers are rolling in money. LOL. So, that was the exciting event today at the Rosa M. Tarbutton Library. Yay us... :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Still, Small Voice

    So, I know that I just posted not too long ago, but I felt the need to write down what I felt at the moment and I'd like to share it. This is a rough set of ideas written down. I was sitting, trying to think, but the tv was on. The lighting and all of the household things around me were kind of blocking my thoughts. I find, so often, that the busy world around me blocks my thoughts and peace of mind. Sometimes it's good to just escape somewhere that's quiet and hidden from the outside world, just to breathe. The places that inspire me most and make me feel more relaxed are often outside, where I can experience the beauty of nature. However, seeing as it is FREEZING outside and it is early in the morning, I have decided that is not the best idea. :)
    I started out with "Still, small voice" because it is a biblical reference. God speaks to Elijah in a "still, small voice". It's often difficult, in today's world, to drown out the outside world and spend time with God. That is where my original idea came from. Anyway, here is my rough set of ideas. :) 

Still, small voice
When can You be heard?
With all the noise,
Where is the soothing silence?
Hate lingers on,
And idols dance before us,
As truth is hidden from before our eyes
By darkness
That casts fear upon our hearts without refrain.
How can we evade this lonesome Darkness
To hear the still, small voice
Our hearts so long for?
The joy is missing.
There is no hope.
Until the noise is vanquished,
And the silence is brought back,
To clear our minds
And hearts
And hear Him calling
In His still, small voice.

What's Happening

      As we begin this New Year of 2010, many things are happening all over the world. The holidays are officially over and it's time to go back to work and school. Cold, chilly mornings wake us up, while our nice, warm beds call to us from afar. :) 
    I am very excited about this coming year! Brian and I have set a relative wedding date that I am not yet going to announce. :) I have to wait a little longer to tell everyone! :) I also picked up my guitar lately and I'm trying hard to learn how to play. I love it! I love music and I want to be able to express myself with music. I find it releasing and amazing. I am also trying to read more this year. 
   At the moment I am reading Fallen by Lauren Kate. It's a pretty good book so far. It's the first book of an upcoming series. And I am also keeping this blog, "The Mind of Jennifer Grace", which I am loving so far. 
   I recently also read two blogs made by a girl who lives in Washington County, Briana McNair. These two blogs are great! One is called the "Book Pixie", in which she reviews different books. (http://thebookpixie.blogspot.com/) The other is "From Briana's Point of View", where she posts her beautiful photography. (http://frombrianaspointofview.blogspot.com/) They are both amazing, so check them out!                                        
     All in all, it's time to get busy. There's lots to plan, to think about, to accomplish. However, in all that we seek to accomplish, may we not forget who has provided this great life in which we live. May we not forget the one who holds the future, the one who holds the world in His hands. May we aim to seek to serve Him better this year. May we seek to love Him more, and to grow in Him. May our relationship with Him become first in our lives. May we thank the one who has allowed us to experience joy, peace and life in Him, for He is worthy to be praised! :)

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve

     Many people take New Year's Eve to think about all of the wonderful things they plan to do in 2010. Thousands across the world will make resolutions for this brand new year as they celebrate in various ways. We look back over the past year as a year that was full of disappointments, victories, and memories we will never forget. This is the year of Patrick Swayze's, Brittany Murphy's, and Michael Jackson's death, the year that Tiger Woods's relationship problems were made public, the year that Jon & Kate got divorced, and the year that Americans realized that we actually had to pay our debts back. This is the year that multimillion-dollar companies went bankrupt, and the year that Major Malik Nadal Hasan killed 13 and injured 31 at Fort Hood. There are so many events that have passed in this year, many of them making a mark on history that is still being felt today. We have lost many good friends and family members this year. Mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers have all gone on to see the Lord. Yet, at the same time, sons and daughters were born into this world, bringing joy to our hearts. 
       For me, this past year has brought about some major changes in my life. This is the year that Brian Mark Hodges proposed to me, on September 26th. This is the year that I got the priviledge of getting to know someone whom I have come to love as a brother, Paul Hodges. I thank God for allowing him to be home safely this year. And the year that I have gotten the opportunity to know Hannah Zook and Anna Waller, some of my closest friends. :) This is the year that Jon and Emily Taylor were wed in a beautiful ceremony!
     This year has been the end of some friendships with people I once knew. And the beginnings of new friendships, with people I have come to love. This year I became close to the people of Mt. Gilead Primitive Baptist Church, and had some great times with Brian's cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles.  :)

    This is also the year that our church had many successful bake sales, and the year that we created an amazing cookbook. My little brother, Johnathan Mason, shot his first buck this year, a nine-pointer! :) And this year I learned to be thankful for my vehicle, my Cavalier, after hitting a deer and being without it for a few months. 
     This is also the year that my stepmother's father passed on, as well as Mrs. Helen Williford's mom, along with many other dear ones. And this is the year that many lost their jobs of 20+ years and had to figure out how to take care of their families with nothing but a prayer. 
    This year has come with many trials and triumphs for each of us individually. There are many memories we will never forget, lessons we have learned, and trials we have overcome. What memories will you cherish forever from this year? There is so much to be thankful for! As we begin this New Year, may we celebrate the memories of the past as we anticipate the wonderful happenings of the future!
    P.S. To all readers: What are some of your memories from 2009? What have you learned? What are you thankful for? Leave a comment by clicking on the comments link at the bottom. Leave your name if you wish, along with your reply to this article. Thanks! Comments are appreciated! :)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

In the Beginning...

Well, I am starting this blog simply to record my thoughts, imaginations, and all that may come to mind. I am starting this blog to discover who I am, what I want out of life, and to show that person to the world. I believe that if I can literally "write" it out, maybe I will find out the truth. So, saying all that, I will begin. First of all, if you didn't realize that my title was a biblical reference, then you must definitely be from some secluded jungle in a forgotten world. Who doesn't know where those three very powerful words come from? "In the beginning..." Those are the very words that began it all. Those words, spoken by someone with such power that it is incomprehensible, began both good and evil. On those words hinges the entire world. Imagine being there when He spoke them. Imagine knowing what beauty and horror would stem from such few syllables. How intricate and beautiful this world is! Such wonders that lie in the depths of the sea, in the middle of jungles, in the genetic makeup of each individual creature! Who can comprehend this? Who could possibly understand all that can be understood? I say only one can, and that one is God: the Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end, the Creator of all. "In the beginning..."